Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Ke$ha wakes up in the morning feeling like me.

Hey =D

So right now I'm not writing to a lot of people, but, y'know, I'm going to talk anyway.  In my snazzy little room at Uni at the moment, contemplating.  Which is never a good thing.
So I had a thought last night - when does self confidence become arrogance?  I only say this as last night my flatmate had pre drinks here (which I was totally cool with by the way, I don't want to sound like I'm moaning, otherwise this whole blog is going to become some sort of whinge page!) and just as I was leaving my flat in a remarkably fetching outfit consisting of a very large american football shirt, oversized hoodie, jeggings and slippers (what a catch) I was greeted by some burly blokes coming into our flat.  So, being the friendly person I am, I hold the door open so they can come in and head to the partay going on.  To which there response is, well, nout.  Well, that's a lie, I get completely ignored by the first who is clearly preoccupied with his head up his bum, glared at by the second in a sort of 'oh come on, really?' sort of way, and the third one actually manages as sheepish 'cheers' as he follows the others.  Is this merely an example of self-confidence shown, or is this arrogance?  Don't get me wrong, I'm no wallflower, but then I don't wander round thinking I own the joint.  A certain degree of self-confidence is definitely needed; if you don't believe in yourself then others aren't likely to either.  So there is a very fine line between the two, and more often than not it is others that work out which one you're showing.
So, for a first blog, I'm feeling pretty happy to have got that off my chest.  Next debate, global warming.  Just kidding.  =).


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